Elyse Agnello is an architect, designer and fabricator.

She is a Founder and Principal at DAAM, a Founder and Chief Design Officer at Guild Row, & the Design Principal of Platform Managers. Agnello has a diverse professional background that spans from architectural design and construction, to cultural event production and art object fabrication. She has successfully designed, built, and managed projects of varying scale and type in Chicago, San Francisco, London, and Madrid. Her work to date has focused on the development and deployment of collaborative design processes, progressive methods for construction and effective techniques for project delivery.  

© 2014 Evan Barr

Certification + Affiliations
Licensed Architect in the State of New York
Licensed Architect in the State of Illinois

American Institute of Architects (AIA) - Member
Placemaking Leadership Council (PLC) - Council Member
National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) - Public Interest Member

Harvard University, Cambridge MA. MArch (2014)
Architectural Association, London UK. PG Dip with Distinction (2012)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI. BS in Arch (2006)

William A. Doeble Fellowship (2013)
Raoul Wallenberg Fellowship (2006)

Past Professional
Redmoon, Chicago. Senior Designer (08/14-12/15)
GSD FabLab, Cambridge. CNC, Metal, 3D-Prining TA (09/10-05/14)
Crosstree Inc, Chicago. Fabricator + Design Manager (05/09-05/10)
Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture, Chicago. Designer (10/08-03/09)
Kuth Ranieri Architects LLP, San Francisco. Designer (09/06-09/08)